Use "neuron|neurons" in a sentence

1. Madras motor neuron disease (MMND) is a motor neuron disease affecting primarily lower motor neurons.

2. Therefore, Afferent and efferent neurons use a neuron which forms a connection between two or more neurons that we synonymously call an interneuron or association neuron

3. The most common Brain cells are neurons and non-neuron cells called glia

4. Progressive Bulbar palsy is a motor neuron disorder that involves the lower motor neurons

5. Just as one strand of spaghetti contacts many other strands on your plate, one neuron touches many other neurons through their entangled branches.

6. Axon, also called nerve fibre, portion of a nerve cell (neuron) that carries nerve impulses away from the cell body. A neuron typically has one Axon that connects it with other neurons or with muscle or gland cells

7. The key difference between Afferent and efferent neuron is that the Afferent neurons carry nerve impulses from the sensory organs to the central nervous system while the efferent neurons carry nerve impulses from the central nervous system to the muscles.

8. Antenoon Sensory motor neuron pathology

9. Associative neuron definition is - interneuron

10. It's called motor neuron disease.

11. Post the Definition of Associative neuron to Facebook Share the Definition of Associative neuron on Twitter

12. If the ion channel lets positive ions into the receiving neuron, the neuron is pushed toward firing.

13. And it's a beautifully complex neuron.

14. One neuron short of a synapse.

15. A neuron has only one axon.

16. Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter produced by neurons referred to as cholinergic neurons

17. Measuring alpha waves, resting rates, neuron clusters

18. Anything that interferes with these receptors influences the messages being sent from neuron to neuron in the brain.

19. When the sensory neuron is stimulated, it fires the motor neuron, and the siphon and gills are withdrawn.

20. Afferent inputs to AP neurons from 1-PBN have separate excitatory (12% of AP neurons) or inhibitory (12% of AP neurons) effects on a relatively small proportion of AP neurons.

21. Measuring alpha waves, resting rates, neuron clusters.

22. The nervous control of the gill withdrawal reflex is a simple unit of one sensory neuron and one motor neuron.

23. Clonus test - Upper motor neuron lesion test.

24. Particular sets of Conductances lead to non-chaotic individual neuron dynamics allowing synchronization states for very weak coupling and resulting in a non-monotonic transition to synchronized states, as the coupling strength among neurons is varied

25. Astrocytes fill in the space between neurons, take up neurotransmitters that are released by neurons, and help maintain the correct chemical concentrations around neurons

26. (i) Apolar neuron: When there is no axon or dendrite are present but contain only cell body, it is called Apolar neuron

27. Axons are a key component of a neuron, they conduct electrical signals in the form of an action potential from the cell body of the neuron to its axon terminal where it synapses with another neuron

28. (Children speaking) Neurons ... communication.

29. This process is carried out through the activity of Afferent neurons, interneurons, and efferent neurons.

30. And so when the green neuron wants to communicate, it wants to send a message to the red neuron, it spits out neurotransmitter.

31. And you can see that the green neuron touches the red neuron at two locations, and these are what are called synapses.

32. They may well have switching elements analogous to our neurons...... but their neurons might be different.

33. Removing input neuron 1 produces difficulties with remembering output pattern A but not B. Removing input neuron 2 produces the reverse effect.

34. Having two functions: Bifunctional neurons

35. Silencing Apterous neurons impairs mating

36. Question: (T/F) ALL Neurons Are Amitotic? If So, Are Neuronal Stem Cells Considered Neurons? This problem has been solved! See the answer (T/F) ALL neurons are Amitotic? If so, are neuronal stem cells considered neurons? Expert Answer

37. Method and apparatus for suppressing neuron action potential firings

38. As the brain ages, neurons die.

39. PseudoBulbar palsy is an upper motor neuron palsy that …

40. A neurotransmitter must be present within the presynaptic neuron.

41. abnormal gait, altered reflexes, and sensory or motor neuron abnormalities.

42. Afferent neurons communicate with specialized interneurons

43. Those are the neurons of memory.

44. Same neurons, same neurochemicals, same biology.

45. Axoplasm is the cytoplasm within the axon of a neuron

46. Acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine, a chemical used for communication between neurons, muscle and other neurons

47. Scientists believe that this chameleon effect is possible because of a special set of neurons known as mirror neurons.

48. An isolated heart neuron simply sparks Chaotically, without apparent intelligence

49. Axoplasm is the cytoplasm within the axon of a neuron

50. Yet, older brains are able to compensate for neuron losses.

51. The neuron may totally ignore regions of visual space lacking boundaries.

52. Afferent neurons in the peripheral nervous system.

53. Loss of motor neurons in the cortex, brainstem and spinal cord is the hallmark of motor neuron disease/amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (MND/ALS), resulting in weakness of limbs, respiratory and Bulbar muscles and eventually death from respiratory failure in the majority of patients

54. Brains and neurons have no causal powers.

55. The Axonal Arborization of SNc Neurons Is Larger and More Complex Than That of VTA and OB DA Neurons

56. A few misfiring neurons did the rest.

57. The scientific nitty-gritty appears in the journal Neuron this week.

58. Thus the neurons are not properly nourished.

59. The gap between a sending and a receiving neuron or nerve

60. Confocal images of a CA1 pyramidal neuron in a hippocampal slice.

61. A specific network of neurons is needed for a specific percept , not any random collection of neurons that become highly active.

62. Taken together, our data suggest a partial commonality between Claustral neurons and a subtype of cortical neurons in the monkey brain

63. I mean, we don't know the detailed answer, but we know the basic part of the answer, and that is, there is a sequence of neuron firings, and they terminate where the acetylcholine is secreted at the axon end-plates of the motor neurons.

64. A depiction of neurons, Amyloids and tau tangles

65. The extensive synaptic Arborizations are present only in DC neurons [anterior DC (aDC) and posterior DC (pDC) neurons] and not in the closely related SC mechanosensory neurons, although their target areas overlap almost perfectly (Fig

66. 5 Special molecules called adhesion molecules guide the migration of developing neurons and help them to make stable connections to other neurons.

67. The brain has about 10 cells called neurons .

68. Human skin cells turned directly into functioning neurons

69. Axoplasm is the cytoplasm within the axon of a neuron (nerve cell)

70. A Neural Circuit Arbitrates between Persistence and Withdrawal in Hungry Drosophila Neuron

71. Deforming the Corpuscle creates a generator potential in the sensory neuron arising

72. The two stimuli thus operate in different pathways within the same neuron.

73. Information is transferred along each neuron by means of an electrical impulse.

74. I have had motor neuron disease for practically all my adult life.

75. I edited out the last bit when I asked, "Where is the neuron?"

76. This increased neuron activity shows up on an fMRI like a light bulb.

77. [Connection of Anacoustic neuron in the abdominal nervous cord of locusta migratoria]

78. That blast of sodium ions entering the neuron is the impulse starting.

79. Neuron ( or nerve cell ): Any of the cells of the nervous system.

80. Most neurons in the central nervous system are Amitotic